Corporate Responsibility

Ever since its creation, the Europ Assistance (EA) Group, which we are proudly a part of, has been driven by the same mission: caring for people and improving their lives by providing services that resolve difficult or stressful situations. These values are at the heart of the Europ Assistance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach towards its employees, partners, service providers and customers.

Developing a Global CSR Approach

The EA Group has always developed many CSR initiatives at a local level. Education, health, social entrepreneurship, green actions to protect the environment, helping families in need: the scope of its actions is quite broad. However, in 2015, the EA Group decided to initiate a global CSR approach, to optimize and maximize our impact in the community

Making Life Easier For Individuals with Disabilities

The first step of this global CSR approach was the launch of a global initiative towards individuals with disabilities. The EA Group has a large number of employees and customers with disabilities, and therefore disability is at the heart of the Group’s concerns. Supported by the Group Management Committee members who are sponsoring the various actions, this Group-scale initiative is based on three major cornerstones: making life easier for EA Group employees with disabilities; adapting our services to the needs of customers with disabilities and developing innovative products designed for individuals with disabilities. To promote employee awareness and involvement in this respect, the Group organizes dedicated meetings focused on the topic of disabilities, mobilizing employees, management teams as well as external stakeholders worldwide.


Remuneration, as per Reg. EU 2019/2088, article 5: “Financial market participants and financial advisers shall include in their remuneration policies information on how those policies are consistent with the integration of sustainability risks, and shall publish that information on their websites”.

  • Generali Global Assistance is GGA is part of the Generali Group, which for over 190 years has provided peace of mind to its clients and their customers and is now supported by more than 72,000 employees worldwide.
  • Generali Group pursues long-term growth, integrating sustainability into the core business and acting as Lifetime Partner to the stakeholders.
  • The sustainability commitments are a pillar of Generali business priorities, fully embedded in the Generali Group remuneration policy and incentives system linked to long term sustainable value creation.
  • Senior Generali Group executives’ incentive compensation system is based on a meritocratic approach and a multi-year framework, with a combination of annual cash variable remuneration and deferred share based variable remuneration, integrating sustainability and environmental social governance (“ESG”) strategic objectives based on Generali Group’s 2021 and climate strategy goals, already disclosed to the market:
    • at least 20% of top Generali Group managers’ annual cash variable remuneration is linked to ESG goals & KPIs related to specific perspectives: People (e.g., Diversity & Inclusion index), Brand & Lifetime Partners (e.g., relationship Net Promoter Score) and Sustainability (e.g., % green and sustainable investments growth; % green and social products growth, social community development through The Human Safety Net);
    • the deferred share based variable remuneration strengthen the link with long term sustainable value creation.
  • Generali Group’s remuneration policy considers the integration of sustainability risks in the investment decision-making processes, containing also specific references to Generali Group internal regulations governing sustainability risks within investment decisions.
  • The continuous improvement of the link between sustainability and remuneration is a primary goal of our Generali Group.