The 5 Surprising Ways in Which Generali Global Assistance (GGA) Will Help You If Something Goes Wrong on Your Trip

Traveling requires a lot of planning, whether it is for pleasure or for work. However, no matter how much we plan, there is always a chance for the unexpected to occur – either good or bad. Preparing yourself also means getting the right support. Here are 5 surprising things that Generali Global Assistance can help you with on your trip if something goes wrong:

  1. Assistance with Replacement Medication, Medical Devices, and Eyeglasses or Corrective Lenses   

Assistance with Replacement Medication, Medical Devices, and Eyeglasses or Corrective Lenses

Imagine having fun in a Luau at the beach in Hawaii with your family, and you had so much fun that you forgot where you put your eyeglasses, and now you will have to spend hours of your planned vacation time  trying to replace your missing glasses . The nearest optical store is located more than a hundred miles away so you would end up missing out on all the  excitement for an entire day.

If that were to happen to you, fortunately, you can call GGA to get your eyeglasses replaced; an assistance coordinator can arrange the shipment of your glasses for you so that you can continue enjoying your trip, and don’t miss a moment to create new cherished memories with your family while enjoying the beautiful landscapes in your travel destination.

If you are fortunate enough not to need eyeglasses, or you are not too forgetful to leave them at the beach, but you ran out of your most important medication (the one that keeps you alive or at least conscious). In such case, give GGA a call and they will make the necessary arrangements to refill your medication prescription. Likewise, they will assist you if you need any medical device.

  1. Return of Dependent Children  

Return of Dependent Children

Imagine that you went on that trip to Hawaii with your thirteen-year-old daughter and your ten-year-old son. Everything is fun until it is not.  Since you have been suffering from a heart condition for years, you had to be hospitalized (despite the fact that you had planned on returning home the next day). The doctor tells you that you’ll need to stay there for the rest of the week, which concerns you because and you have no one to watch the children while you’re hospitalized.

If you found yourself in a similar situation, GGA can help you with that! An assistance coordinator will make the necessary arrangements to coordinate your children’s trip back home, which will include paid transportation and an attendant would accompany your children if it were necessary. So, you would not have to worry about anything other than your health to go back to your family soon.

  1. Pay for the Visit of Family Member or Friend

Pay for the Visit of Family Member or Friend

Imagine that you are on the same trip, and since your children went back home, you are all alone in an unknown country. The doctor just informed you that you will need to stay hospitalized for an extra week because your situation has not improved. At that moment you would want something to feel normal. As you might have guessed, GGA has a solution for that as well!

If you are hospitalized for 7 or more days while traveling, GGA can pay for the round-trip transportation for the person of your choice to join you. This will include hotel accommodation and meal expenses for up to $150 for 5 days during the visit.

  1. Return of Pet or Service Animal 

Return of Pet or Service Animal

Imagine you decided to travel without your family because you needed time for yourself and to rest from all of your responsibilities. However, you decided to travel with a small companion, your dog Buffy. While on your trip, you end up being hospitalized after an unfortunate horse-riding accident. You worry about Buffy, because she’s at the hotel without any food or water, and you have no idea how long you will be staying at the local hospital.

Like in the previous scenarios, GGA can provide a solution for your pet as well; GGA can coordinate and pay for an emergency housing for your pet for up to 2 nights, as well as arranging for your pet’s return home.

  1. Give You Access to the Travel Risk Intelligence Portal (TRIP)  

Give You Access to the Travel Risk Intelligence Portal (TRIP)

Traveling has its own set of risks. However, part of being prepared means being aware of what can happen. Our GGA Travel Risk Intelligence Portal – TRIP – can provide you with worldwide targeted risks rating and profiles, news and alerts about your travel destination so you can stay alert and aware of any potential danger. In addition to providing Security and Risk information live 24/7/365 around the world, TRIP offers a wide range of medical advisory tools to assist you in time of distress. Some of the tools include visas and vaccinations for your pre-trip information, medical phrasebook and drug translator for your medical assistance during your trip.

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